Stop it.
Just stop now.
Look, I get it. The clients talk like that, and you want them to know that you know what they're talking about.
But when you sound like them, I start thinking you are one of them. Trust me, you don't want me thinking that. You don't want anyone you work with thinking that.
The origins of most buzzwords and jargon are based in a complete lack of understanding of the English language. Verbs used as nouns. Nouns used as verbs. Fictitious adverbs created by putting "ful" at the end of a noun. That's not professional.
It's dumbing down.
Don't have a wish-for. Have a request.
Don't have an add. Have an addition.
Don't be choiceful. Be selective.
Don't have a watch-out. Have a concern. Or a caution. Or a warning. Or a caveat.
Don't ladder up or double-click or ramp up or net out or opt in.
There are so many brilliant words in the English language, most of which can be found in a dictionary and thesaurus. Find them. Use them!
Again, language is the most powerful weapon in your communication arsenal. When you continue to use the same bullshit buzzwords and jargon that everyone else is using, your words become white noise. And you become easily ignored. But if you speak with authority, and embrace the power of the English language, people will listen. They'll pay attention.
And most importantly, they'll know you're not just another clone.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
On toes.
If you're a dude, I don't want to see them. Put on some fucking shoes.
On feedback.
It seems that we don't really get feedback anymore. We get changes. We get revisions. We get direction. But not feedback. Rather than, "Here are the client's thoughts on the work we sent over. Let's give them a call and discuss," we get marked-up layouts or emailed revision work orders with six bullet-pointed changes and a deadline of EOD or COB (please stop using COB, by the way. stop now). When you send that RWO, it makes you nothing more than an ambiguous set of hands at the dinner table, passing the mashed potatoes from your kid sister to your dad. When the client calls you to comment on the work, don't do an RWO. Take notes. Ask questions. If the comments are complicated or will cause a significant change to the work, see if you can get a creative to join you on the call. Or ask the client if you can call back in a bit with the team or the CD. If all you do is pass the RWO, you are completely dispensable. But if you facilitate a conversation about feedback, you'll be invaluable.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
On language.
I don't care what you do for a living. Not knowing how to speak properly is unforgivable, and worthy of scorn and ridicule.
Monday, May 24, 2010
On travel.
Always go pee just before you get on the plane.
On imitation.
It's the sincerest form of flattery.
And you're not in the business of flattering people.
And you're not in the business of flattering people.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
On details.
There are countless people out there who can design. I mean, countless. I'm not even talking about church volunteers who know how to paste an image into Word. I'm talking about real designers who went to school and can fit things on a page fairly well.
There's something they all share. A common trait that will keep them good and only good.
They don't sweat the details.
They think because someone -- a shopper, a consumer, a passer-by -- wouldn't consciously notice the details, they're not worth the effort.
But the great ones know that everything is in the details. Those details, that last 10-15%, is where art is made. Until then, it's nothing more than common.
It's nothing more than good enough.
If you want to be great, good enough can't ever be good enough.
There's something they all share. A common trait that will keep them good and only good.
They don't sweat the details.
They think because someone -- a shopper, a consumer, a passer-by -- wouldn't consciously notice the details, they're not worth the effort.
But the great ones know that everything is in the details. Those details, that last 10-15%, is where art is made. Until then, it's nothing more than common.
It's nothing more than good enough.
If you want to be great, good enough can't ever be good enough.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
On passion:
If you want a workplace where everyone gets along all the time, and no one shows their frustrations and anger, you're going to have an office filled with friendly mediocrity. To do great work — I mean great by the standards of the people working on it, not just the client's standards — you need passion. And passion does not exist without volatility. That means that things are going to get heated every once in a while. You're going to be challenged. You're going to be the messenger and someone's going to take it out on you. At that point you have two choices. You can cower, take it, and then talk to your boss or his boss or someone's boss. Or you can show some passion back. Say, "Hey, back off, asshole. I know you're pissed and so am I, so as soon as you're done whining about it maybe we can figure some shit out." See what kind of reaction that gets you. Whether it's shock, laughter or a hissy fit, the end result will be that shit will get figured out. And figured out with energy and passion. That's why we do this job.
A quick aside to the passionate: Don't be a total douchebag all the time, idiot. There's power in restraint, just as there's power in action. And if you ever make anyone feel physically threatened, you're going to lose your job and face a harassment suit. Get your shit together or become a kick-boxer. I hear that's the sport of the future.
A quick aside to the passionate: Don't be a total douchebag all the time, idiot. There's power in restraint, just as there's power in action. And if you ever make anyone feel physically threatened, you're going to lose your job and face a harassment suit. Get your shit together or become a kick-boxer. I hear that's the sport of the future.
Friday, May 21, 2010
On presenting:
Be yourself.
Unless you're boring.
Or an asshole.
Unless you're boring.
Or an asshole.
On success:
It feels great, but you don't learn anything from it.
Failure. That's how you learn. That's how you get better.
So find the failure in everything.
After the celebration, of course.
Failure. That's how you learn. That's how you get better.
So find the failure in everything.
After the celebration, of course.
@jeffkos tweets from Iconosphere 2010
I was a twittering fool at Iconosphere, thanks to the gorgeous iPad my I.T. department let me take along with me. Here are all my #iconosphere tweets. Read from the bottom-up.
WSJ headline: "Daunting task for Mr. Mom - Get a job". Highly relevant to topics at #iconosphere. The changes keep changing... about 22 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
Upgraded to biz class on a 3-class plane. This is good livin', people. Gotta get something for all those miles I fly. about 22 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
Heading back to Denver. Thanks for the good times #iconoculture. Fun tweeting! #iconosphere 1:25 PM May 19th via Twitter for iPhone
Tweeting on iPad during #iconosphere conference. Can jump to websites at the drop of a reference. This Xer loves me some technology. 12:55 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
Demographics used to be enough. Thanks to tech and societal shifts, today's consumers are more than just their generation. #iconosphere 12:52 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
RT @IconoAdlpJr: I still don't know why I don't have an Phone. #iconosphere 12:50 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
iPhone: Inclusive exclusivity? I'll take oxymorons for $500. #iconosphere 12:50 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
RT @KAIcono: Robinson: Resist the temptation to put consumers in buckets. Consumers don't live in buckets. #iconosphere 12:48 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
Toyota Sienna commercials all the rage at #iconosphere. I love 'em, but dad is total ripoff of Modern Family dad Ty Burrell. 12:46 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
Lifestage, generation, lifestyle create a portrait of today's consumer. MultiMe. #iconosphere 12:43 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
MultiMe - consumers are much more complex today, regardless of life stage or generation. #iconosphere 12:33 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
Millenniels don't have same adversarial relationship with marketers that Xers do. #iconosphere 12:03 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
Xer aspiration: Authenticity, Appropriateness, Actualization. Also grunge music and long-sleeve Ts worn under short-sleeve Ts. #iconosphere 11:54 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
The only thing worse than trying too hard to be cool is not understanding - and even embracing - how uncool you are. #iconosphere 11:51 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
For Xers, it's about family-focused vs. kid-focused households. #iconosphere 11:50 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Men are helping around the home more. But not as much as they think they are. #iconosphere 11:41 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
"The Kitchen Bitch" -- Dudes making dinner. #iconosphere 11:40 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Watching clips of Modern Family makes any breakout session better. #iconosphere 11:36 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
59% of fathers in dual-earner families experience work-life conflict, up from 33% 30 years ago. #iconosphere 11:28 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
RT @iconogeorge: #iconosphere Hey Iconosphere tweeters lets have a tweetup & handshake at 11:10AM at the TV with the Twitterstream 11:24 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
If there's a generation that would like Boomers to move along, it's Gen X -- Kate Muhl #iconosphere 11:17 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
I'm now going to breakout session Reality Bites Back: Gen X at Midlife. Masochistic for a guy my age, really. #iconosphere 10:58 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
8-Bottles shirt. Made from 8 recycled plastic bottles. Ecologically friendly, and holds 2 liters of soda! #iconosphere 10:48 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Apparently the future of packaging entails room temperatures of below 55 degrees. Brr. #iconosphere 10:44 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Brand managers who are bold enough to embrace the senses will command market share. #iconosphere 10:41 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
FMOT=Fun Moment of Truth? #iconosphere 10:40 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Augmented Reality in packaging is absolutely the way of the future. A whole new world of experiential shopping. #iconosphere 10:37 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Wow, I just laughed until I cried as David Luttenberger continuously ran Iron Man into brick walls using AR tech. Amazing. #iconosphere 10:34 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Just learned that the smell of pumpkin causes men to become sexually aroused. Opens up a world of shopping possibilities. #iconosphere 10:29 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Aroma makes a direct connection to product value perception. #iconosphere 10:26 AM May 19th via mobile web from Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills
Smell is the only sense processed in the limbic lobe - the brain's emotional center. #iconosphere 10:24 AM May 19th via mobile web from Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills
They asked us to turn our phones off. Like real off, not silent or vibrate off. The panic is thick in the air. #iconosphere 10:13 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Just realized none of my #iconosphere posts were were being seen by the masses because my profile was locked down. Oops. 10:06 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
The fun has been taken out of shopping. #iconosphere 9:57 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
The feature that contributes most to a successful sale is the consumer's shopping experience. It trumps all other factors. #iconosphere 9:54 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
This morning's general session: Packaging gone wild. Very cool. #iconosphere 9:51 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
They just asked us to turn our phones off. Like real off, not silent or vibrate off. The panic is thick in the air. #iconosphere 9:48 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
#iconosphere day 2 begins after a breakfast of runny scrambled eggs and genetically engineered oversized fruit. 9:46 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Regarding tech devices today: What it does is more important than what it is. #iconosphere 4:49 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Access = Ownership. #iconosphere 4:28 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Mash Creativity: Cultural playground online. #iconosphere 4:22 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
2001-2005: Gadget mania. 2006-2010: People not gizmos. #iconosphere 3:58 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
For most people, low-cost tech products are good enough. #iconosphere 3:55 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Last breakout of day: We're all geeks now. Technology in the good-enough era. #iconosphere 3:51 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Lean-back media: TV. Lean-forward media: Computer, mobile phone. IPad? New way of consuming media. #iconosphere #xrayvisionforeveryone 3:47 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Consumers will see personal relevancy as basic expectation, whether talking place, time, context. #iconosphere #xrayvisionforeveryone 3:25 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Places are becoming platforms. #iconosphere #xrayvisionforeveryone #macrotrends 3:23 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Mash Creativity: Open source for everyone. #iconosphere #xrayvisionforeveryone #macrotrends 3:22 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Synesthesia: Multisensory blending of sight, sound, smell, taste, feel. #iconosphere #xrayvisionforeveryone #macrotrends 3:20 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Stickybits: App that lets you attach info to any bar code. #iconosphere 2:59 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Couple tech fails, but hosts are geeks in the most endearing of ways. #iconosphere #xrayvisionforeveryone 2:53 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Mobile services value shift: From connectivity to convenience to choice to control to empowerment. #iconosphere 2:44 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Next breakout session: X-Ray Vision for Everyone. #iconosphere 2:38 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Any other creative directors here? Lotta Suits... #iconosphere 1:42 PM May 18th via Twitter for iPhone #iconosphere #subversivebranding 1:00 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
The North Face vs. The South Butt. Look it up on YouTube. Hilarious! #iconosphere 12:51 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Are consumers already doing subversive things with your brand? Embrace them! #iconosphere 12:47 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Tub Gin's subversive branding: Bring together drinking and shooting guns. Brilliant! #iconosphere 12:46 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
So far Subversive Branding session anything but subversive. Get rid of the bullet points! Get rid of the ppt! #iconosphere 12:42 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Heading into breakout session: "Subversive Branding." Let's see if they can out-subvert me. #iconosphere 12:28 PM May 18th via Twitter for iPhone
When I see something great, I feel less alone. -- Mathew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 11:11 AM May 18th via TweetDeck
I'm not a big reader. I have a great education - I had a lot of things read to me. -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 11:10 AM May 18th via TweetDeck
Advertising has always been a source of ridicule. But when it works we love it. -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 11:05 AM May 18th via TweetDeck
Technology is not friendly, it is unnerving. On a biological level, it's terrifying. -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 11:02 AM May 18th via TweetDeck
Biggest crisis for men is we don't have a lot of role models. -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere 10:54 AM May 18th via TweetDeck
Your computer is your television! -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 10:49 AM May 18th via TweetDeck
The quality of our communication has gone down. -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 10:47 AM May 18th via TweetDeck
Archetypes are derived from coincidences. -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 10:38 AM May 18th via Twitterrific
Creatives need deadlines, structure, daddy to tell them their homework is due. -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 10:26 AM May 18th via Twitterrific
"There are times when society is obsessed with mortality, times when it's obsessed with escape." Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 10:20 AM May 18th via Twitterrific
Matthew Weiner's IMDB: #madmen #iconosphere 10:00 AM May 18th via Twitterrific
Matt Weiner up in 5 min. #iconosphere #madmen (@ Iconosphere w/ 6 others) 9:48 AM May 18th via foursquare from Century City, Los Angeles
Caught up on #madmen eps on the plane (watched on snazzy new iPad, which is crazy cool). Look forward to Matt Weiner tomorrow. #iconosphere 11:30 PM May 17th via Twitter for iPhone
WSJ headline: "Daunting task for Mr. Mom - Get a job". Highly relevant to topics at #iconosphere. The changes keep changing... about 22 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
Upgraded to biz class on a 3-class plane. This is good livin', people. Gotta get something for all those miles I fly. about 22 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
Heading back to Denver. Thanks for the good times #iconoculture. Fun tweeting! #iconosphere 1:25 PM May 19th via Twitter for iPhone
Tweeting on iPad during #iconosphere conference. Can jump to websites at the drop of a reference. This Xer loves me some technology. 12:55 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
Demographics used to be enough. Thanks to tech and societal shifts, today's consumers are more than just their generation. #iconosphere 12:52 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
RT @IconoAdlpJr: I still don't know why I don't have an Phone. #iconosphere 12:50 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
iPhone: Inclusive exclusivity? I'll take oxymorons for $500. #iconosphere 12:50 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
RT @KAIcono: Robinson: Resist the temptation to put consumers in buckets. Consumers don't live in buckets. #iconosphere 12:48 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
Toyota Sienna commercials all the rage at #iconosphere. I love 'em, but dad is total ripoff of Modern Family dad Ty Burrell. 12:46 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
Lifestage, generation, lifestyle create a portrait of today's consumer. MultiMe. #iconosphere 12:43 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
MultiMe - consumers are much more complex today, regardless of life stage or generation. #iconosphere 12:33 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
Millenniels don't have same adversarial relationship with marketers that Xers do. #iconosphere 12:03 PM May 19th via TweetDeck
Xer aspiration: Authenticity, Appropriateness, Actualization. Also grunge music and long-sleeve Ts worn under short-sleeve Ts. #iconosphere 11:54 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
The only thing worse than trying too hard to be cool is not understanding - and even embracing - how uncool you are. #iconosphere 11:51 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
For Xers, it's about family-focused vs. kid-focused households. #iconosphere 11:50 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Men are helping around the home more. But not as much as they think they are. #iconosphere 11:41 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
"The Kitchen Bitch" -- Dudes making dinner. #iconosphere 11:40 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Watching clips of Modern Family makes any breakout session better. #iconosphere 11:36 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
59% of fathers in dual-earner families experience work-life conflict, up from 33% 30 years ago. #iconosphere 11:28 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
RT @iconogeorge: #iconosphere Hey Iconosphere tweeters lets have a tweetup & handshake at 11:10AM at the TV with the Twitterstream 11:24 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
If there's a generation that would like Boomers to move along, it's Gen X -- Kate Muhl #iconosphere 11:17 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
I'm now going to breakout session Reality Bites Back: Gen X at Midlife. Masochistic for a guy my age, really. #iconosphere 10:58 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
8-Bottles shirt. Made from 8 recycled plastic bottles. Ecologically friendly, and holds 2 liters of soda! #iconosphere 10:48 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Apparently the future of packaging entails room temperatures of below 55 degrees. Brr. #iconosphere 10:44 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Brand managers who are bold enough to embrace the senses will command market share. #iconosphere 10:41 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
FMOT=Fun Moment of Truth? #iconosphere 10:40 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Augmented Reality in packaging is absolutely the way of the future. A whole new world of experiential shopping. #iconosphere 10:37 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Wow, I just laughed until I cried as David Luttenberger continuously ran Iron Man into brick walls using AR tech. Amazing. #iconosphere 10:34 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Just learned that the smell of pumpkin causes men to become sexually aroused. Opens up a world of shopping possibilities. #iconosphere 10:29 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Aroma makes a direct connection to product value perception. #iconosphere 10:26 AM May 19th via mobile web from Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills
Smell is the only sense processed in the limbic lobe - the brain's emotional center. #iconosphere 10:24 AM May 19th via mobile web from Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills
They asked us to turn our phones off. Like real off, not silent or vibrate off. The panic is thick in the air. #iconosphere 10:13 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Just realized none of my #iconosphere posts were were being seen by the masses because my profile was locked down. Oops. 10:06 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
The fun has been taken out of shopping. #iconosphere 9:57 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
The feature that contributes most to a successful sale is the consumer's shopping experience. It trumps all other factors. #iconosphere 9:54 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
This morning's general session: Packaging gone wild. Very cool. #iconosphere 9:51 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
They just asked us to turn our phones off. Like real off, not silent or vibrate off. The panic is thick in the air. #iconosphere 9:48 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
#iconosphere day 2 begins after a breakfast of runny scrambled eggs and genetically engineered oversized fruit. 9:46 AM May 19th via TweetDeck
Regarding tech devices today: What it does is more important than what it is. #iconosphere 4:49 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Access = Ownership. #iconosphere 4:28 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Mash Creativity: Cultural playground online. #iconosphere 4:22 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
2001-2005: Gadget mania. 2006-2010: People not gizmos. #iconosphere 3:58 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
For most people, low-cost tech products are good enough. #iconosphere 3:55 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Last breakout of day: We're all geeks now. Technology in the good-enough era. #iconosphere 3:51 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Lean-back media: TV. Lean-forward media: Computer, mobile phone. IPad? New way of consuming media. #iconosphere #xrayvisionforeveryone 3:47 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Consumers will see personal relevancy as basic expectation, whether talking place, time, context. #iconosphere #xrayvisionforeveryone 3:25 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Places are becoming platforms. #iconosphere #xrayvisionforeveryone #macrotrends 3:23 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Mash Creativity: Open source for everyone. #iconosphere #xrayvisionforeveryone #macrotrends 3:22 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Synesthesia: Multisensory blending of sight, sound, smell, taste, feel. #iconosphere #xrayvisionforeveryone #macrotrends 3:20 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Stickybits: App that lets you attach info to any bar code. #iconosphere 2:59 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Couple tech fails, but hosts are geeks in the most endearing of ways. #iconosphere #xrayvisionforeveryone 2:53 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Mobile services value shift: From connectivity to convenience to choice to control to empowerment. #iconosphere 2:44 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Next breakout session: X-Ray Vision for Everyone. #iconosphere 2:38 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Any other creative directors here? Lotta Suits... #iconosphere 1:42 PM May 18th via Twitter for iPhone #iconosphere #subversivebranding 1:00 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
The North Face vs. The South Butt. Look it up on YouTube. Hilarious! #iconosphere 12:51 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Are consumers already doing subversive things with your brand? Embrace them! #iconosphere 12:47 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Tub Gin's subversive branding: Bring together drinking and shooting guns. Brilliant! #iconosphere 12:46 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
So far Subversive Branding session anything but subversive. Get rid of the bullet points! Get rid of the ppt! #iconosphere 12:42 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
Heading into breakout session: "Subversive Branding." Let's see if they can out-subvert me. #iconosphere 12:28 PM May 18th via Twitter for iPhone
When I see something great, I feel less alone. -- Mathew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 11:11 AM May 18th via TweetDeck
I'm not a big reader. I have a great education - I had a lot of things read to me. -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 11:10 AM May 18th via TweetDeck
Advertising has always been a source of ridicule. But when it works we love it. -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 11:05 AM May 18th via TweetDeck
Technology is not friendly, it is unnerving. On a biological level, it's terrifying. -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 11:02 AM May 18th via TweetDeck
Biggest crisis for men is we don't have a lot of role models. -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere 10:54 AM May 18th via TweetDeck
Your computer is your television! -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 10:49 AM May 18th via TweetDeck
The quality of our communication has gone down. -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 10:47 AM May 18th via TweetDeck
Archetypes are derived from coincidences. -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 10:38 AM May 18th via Twitterrific
Creatives need deadlines, structure, daddy to tell them their homework is due. -- Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 10:26 AM May 18th via Twitterrific
"There are times when society is obsessed with mortality, times when it's obsessed with escape." Matthew Weiner #iconosphere #madmen 10:20 AM May 18th via Twitterrific
Matthew Weiner's IMDB: #madmen #iconosphere 10:00 AM May 18th via Twitterrific
Matt Weiner up in 5 min. #iconosphere #madmen (@ Iconosphere w/ 6 others) 9:48 AM May 18th via foursquare from Century City, Los Angeles
Caught up on #madmen eps on the plane (watched on snazzy new iPad, which is crazy cool). Look forward to Matt Weiner tomorrow. #iconosphere 11:30 PM May 17th via Twitter for iPhone
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