Friday, September 24, 2010

On mobilesocialwebdigitalinteractiveonlinegeotagecommercephonepadding.

Get on board or get the hell out of the way. I swear to god if I hear one more agency person give another lame-ass excuse for why they don't use Facebook or Twitter or any other "new media" technology, I'm going to start packing their office up for them. Yes, the brave new world can be scary as shit, but like it or not it is what the world is. Brave. New. And changing at a pace our feeble brains never could have imagined. But that rapid change is today's norm. Younger born-digitals don't know anything different. As I'm whining about how I had a party line when I was a kid (which, for those of you punk kids reading my blog who weren't lucky enough to experience a party line, meant we literally shared our phone line with our neighbors, much like having multiple phones on the same line in your house), my four-year-old son is opening up my iPhone and playing Pocket God with no help from his old man. By not fully engaging and opening your eyes to the fact that whether or not you think Facebook is a waste of time doesn't mean jack shit to the millions and millions of Facebook users out there, you are rendering yourself obsolete and announcing to those around you, "I am no longer qualified to do this job. Someone please put me on the street so I can join the ever-growing ranks of ad folks who will never work in this industry again." Look, at least dip your toes in. Use a fake name and create an accompanying fake gmail address if you don't want to put your personal stuff out there. Lurk at first. Watch and observe. Then start to participate, just a little bit. Buy something online or with your mobile device. Use a Visa gift card if you're paranoid about getting your info hacked. There are all kinds of ways to learn about what people out there are doing without compromising your perceived safety or privacy. For every excuse you give, I have twelve ways to call bullshit. Don't make me call bullshit. Get on board.

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