Monday, May 2, 2011

On storytelling.

Here's a link to a fantastic article entitled Steve Jobs and the Power of Storytelling. Please go read it ASAP. Well, as soon as you've finished reading this post, of course.

It's a great encapsulation of why I've been teaching storytelling classes here at Integer and to our clients for the past couple years. To quote the article:

Stories are more powerful today than ever. Why?
  • We are drowning in information. Good stories can cut through the noise.
  • Personal stories  feel “real” vs abstract concepts, statistics, or logical arguments
  • Stories capture people on an emotional level, creating a deeper, intimate bond.
  • Stories are memorable. People forget facts but remember stories.
That last point is the most important, especially for business presentations. Or brands. You want to be memorable, right?

Then lay off the facts.

As my pal and co-creator of our Storytelling class Ethan Decker says, "People don't need to know all the facts. They just need to know that you know them."

So find your point and tell it with a story. Pepper it with a few I-did-not-know-that facts to help hold the story together and give it credibility.

And watch how people engage. 

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