If you want a workplace where everyone gets along all the time, and no one shows their frustrations and anger, you're going to have an office filled with friendly mediocrity. To do great work — I mean great by the standards of the people working on it, not just the client's standards — you need passion. And passion does not exist without volatility. That means that things are going to get heated every once in a while. You're going to be challenged. You're going to be the messenger and someone's going to take it out on you. At that point you have two choices. You can cower, take it, and then talk to your boss or his boss or someone's boss. Or you can show some passion back. Say, "Hey, back off, asshole. I know you're pissed and so am I, so as soon as you're done whining about it maybe we can figure some shit out." See what kind of reaction that gets you. Whether it's shock, laughter or a hissy fit, the end result will be that shit will get figured out. And figured out with energy and passion. That's why we do this job.
A quick aside to the passionate: Don't be a total douchebag all the time, idiot. There's power in restraint, just as there's power in action. And if you ever make anyone feel physically threatened, you're going to lose your job and face a harassment suit. Get your shit together or become a kick-boxer. I hear that's the sport of the future.
Amen Brother
Perfectly Put.
So just to be clear. DONT leave a note saying Im going to "Meet you in the parking lot after work" on someone's desk?
I need to share that with my program manager, who gets flustered when I exhibit ... shall we just call it "passion" and let it go at that? "Crankiness" is just such an ugly word.
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